About Us
Discover and experience what Boutique Cinema is all about in the comfort of your own private idaho with your friends, colleagues or families ( of up to a maximum of 5) at the Demo Room in our office and catch your favourite movies! Another pilot effort by us coming to a mall near you. Advance Bookings only and NO Walk-ins.

Equipment List
4K Sony Projector VW320
Pioneer SC LX 59 Dolby Atmoss,DTSx AV Reciever
150" Audio Transparent SMX Screen. 8cm Velvet frame
HDMI 2.0 QED connection.
4k Vidon video decoder suite
Medias are non local/Physical
2 x 12" LVA Professional Speaker 450W L/R Channel
1 X 10" LVA Professional Speaker 350W Center Channel
2 X 10" Professional Speaker 350W Front Top L/R
2 X Silverline 10" Passive Woofer (Front) 450W
2 X Silverline SR/SL 250W (Surround)
2 X Bose 191 In Ceiling Speaker (Dolby Atmos) 120W
1 X JBL Active Woofer (Rear) 250W
Optional Switchable Left/Right Speakers for different experience
Bose FreeSpace / Cabasses EOLE Speakers
7.3.2 Dolby Surround Experience
Acoustic Treatment
Front Wall
Baffled Wall model

Wooden Acoustic Groove Panels with 1" Rockwool
beneath the walls.
Scarlet red carpet fill the floor. Base trap at ceiling for extra reverberations.
QRD Diffused wall at rear to rid of dead silence

Now you can do all these and more! Talk, LOL, Cry or Scream all you want with your FAST & FURIOUS PASSENGERS in your own DR. STRANGE world.
Experience Boutique Cinema first-hand and enjoy your very own PRIVATE IDAHO *
* " . . . wrapped out within his/her very own narrow sphere of interest of frame of reference."
Need to catch your favourite movies all over again?
Want to know where you can catch all the past and present movies including those Blockbusters that have ended their showtimes at the cinema?
Need to spend quality time with your kids and let them be their playful selves while watching their favourite movies?
Want to have those Kleenex Cry-Out-Loud moments with your favourite sad movie scenes without those prying eyes in public cineplex theatres?
Need to plan something out-of-the-ordinary for your next Corporate Getaway?